Etch-A-Sketch (Feelings During the Covid-19 Pandemic)
Digital Photography

Etch-A-Sketch: Feelings During the Covid-19 Pandemic is a non-narrative typological series that explores my human experience of the pandemic through a hopeful, childlike lens. I was inspired to create this piece after finding an old Etch-a-Sketch toy.
The act of drawing on the Etch-a-Sketch is inherently temporal because the drawings disappear when the toy is shaken. This photographic series acts as a record of the momentary drawings (representing feelings). The juxtaposition of the toy’s hopeful presence with the busy, geometric, and anxious line drawings visually references my fluctuating feelings and COVID-19 case graphs. Together these reveal and inspire hope in the current and evolving situation of the pandemic. Themes of this non-narrative typological series include: Human experience (fluctuating feelings), Playful and nostalgic child-like lens, Momentary drawings, possibility and resilience, temporality (time), frame within a frame as a metaphor, revealing and inspiring hope in the pandemic.